Talking Space Podcast: Celebrating Our 15th Year of Podcasting!
March 2, 2011

Episode 308: To Tweetfinity...And Beyond

Episode 308: To Tweetfinity...And Beyond

On this special STS-133 edition of Talking Space, we discuss the successful launch of Discovery on her final flight, STS-133. We discuss the mission as well as hear some interviews from @CraftLass from her time at the STS-133 NASA Tweetup 1.0 in Nove...

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Talking Space

On this special STS-133 edition of Talking Space, we discuss the successful launch of Discovery on her final flight, STS-133. We discuss the mission as well as hear some interviews from @CraftLass from her time at the STS-133 NASA Tweetup 1.0 in November and discuss them. Then, we hear from Gina Herlihy who was down at the Kennedy Space Center. Expect more from Gina on next week's STS-133 mission-specific show. Thanks to the following people for their interviews: @PhylisBanner @Thenasalady @phiden @Smith5SE @Camilla_SDO and @CraftLass To view the photo of Robonaut waving Discovery goodbye, visit The winning song for the contest, as you will hear in the outro music, is "Blue Sky" by Big Head Todd and the Monsters. Please note: The outro music is copyright Big Head Todd and the MonstersTalking Space is in no way associated with the group or their associated record company and the audio clip is used under Fair Use. Host this week: Sawyer Rosenstein. Panel Members: Gene Mikulka, Mark Ratterman, and Gina from the road as well as interviews by @CraftLass

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