On this episode of Talkling Space, the regular gang is dealing with illness and traveling on the road. However, Mark Ratterman comes to the rescue with a phenomenal interview about something this show has become known for: space debris. Mark intervie...
On this episode of Talkling Space, the regular gang is dealing with illness and traveling on the road. However, Mark Ratterman comes to the rescue with a phenomenal interview about something this show has become known for: space debris. Mark interviews Alex von Eckartsberg, who recently returned from the Sixth European Conference on Space Debris in Darmstadt, Germany. Alex discusses some shocking numbers about how bad our debris problem is. Also discussed is the current means for trying to avoid debris, avoid collisions, what to do with defunct satellites, and what the plan is for the future. Is it too late to stop pollution near earth orbit? For more information on Alex and space debris, visit her blog at http://www.skyhie.net/. You can also follow Alex on Twitter @StarlingLX Host this week: Sawyer Rosenstein. Panel Members: Mark Ratterman and special guest Alex von Eckartsberg Show Recorded 05/16 and 5/21/2013