Talking Space Podcast: Celebrating Our 15th Year of Podcasting!

Kassy Tamanini

"5th Beatle" Panelist and Contributor

Kassy wears many hats (both literally and figuratively). While beginning a career in the music industry, she discovered a dormant passion for physics during an audio engineering class at The New School (now New School University). In music, she used a lifetime love of computers to pick up skills in audio editing, web and graphic design, and whatever else was needed for the job at hand as well as learning about songwriting from some of the most knowledgeable people. Coming back to her childhood love of space, she was inspired by her frustration with Congress to write “Bake Sale for NASA,” a song explaining why NASA deserves more funding. Upon release, she made her first podcast appearance right here and soon became the “Fifth Beatle” of the show, filling in as a guest panelist repeatedly until she covered IAC 2014 for the podcast and just never left. When not busy recording, prepping for, or editing this podcast she can be found working on several music projects (including an album inspired by the shuttle program), designing as a freelancer, editing/publishing/writing for Geek Girls Night Out and other sites, or bugging strangers about why they should care about space around Hoboken, NJ.